Sunday, October 6, 2013

PCL thread titled Keypoint indices

This is a discussion on PCL...

Hi Mustafa,
I was trying to do the same thing with you, in the end I ended up doing this:    (If I'm wrong please correct me!!!)
- Use the ponitCloud with the Keypoints (not with indices, with the XYZ information, just as you mention)
- Use them as input at the Feature Estimator, but I also set as *SearchSurface* the initial full pointcloud! that means that (ig I get it right) you find the keypoints, then for the XYZ location of each keypoint, it goes at the initial cloud (with the full information) and computes stuff there.

cloudVector_UNorg_PN - full pointCloud (actually vector of Pointclouds<>::Ptr), with Normals, it is unorganized, because I remove NaN points and Normals
KEYptVector_UNorg_P_ - Keypoint Pointcloluds (actually vector of Pointclouds<>::Ptr)
FEATtVector_UNorg_P_ - Feature Pointcloluds (actually vector of Pointclouds<>::Ptr)

**_PN** means Point and Normal
typedef pcl::SHOT1344  keyPointTYPE;       // float descriptor [1344]   ||   float rf [9]        
QVector< pcl::PointCloud::Ptr >  cloudVector_UNorg_PN;
QVector< pcl::PointCloud::Ptr >  KEYptVector_UNorg_P_;
QVector< pcl::PointCloud<     keyPointTYPE     >::Ptr >  FEATtVector_UNorg_P_;
(you can get away without using vectors of course, this is for my needs only)
Please have a look at the code snippet. The result that I'm getting is pretty expected.
After this stage, before finding correspondences, be sure to kick out all the Nan or Inf things at your Keypoints and Features!
If you delete a Feature, delete also the correspoding Keypoint!
There is an 1-1 relation between the Keypoint-Cloud and the Feature-Cloud

If other people have different opinion, please comment :)
If there is a way to work with indices, I would be interested too.


                            std::cout << "//// KEYpoints" << std::endl;
                                // Fill in the model cloud
                                // Compute model_resolution
                                pcl::ISSKeypoint3D< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal, pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal> keyPointDetector;
                                pcl::search::KdTree::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree );
                                model_resolution_Target = static_cast(  computeCloudResolution( cloudVector_UNorg_PN[iii] )  );
                                keyPointDetector.setSearchMethod(    tree);
                                keyPointDetector.setSalientRadius(   PARAM_KEYP_coeffSalientRadius * model_resolution_Target);
                                keyPointDetector.setNonMaxRadius(    PARAM_KEYP_coeffNonMaxRadiuss * model_resolution_Target);
                                keyPointDetector.setThreshold21(     0.975);
                                keyPointDetector.setThreshold32(     0.975);
                                keyPointDetector.setMinNeighbors(    5);
                                keyPointDetector.setNumberOfThreads( 4);

                                pcl::PointCloud::Ptr TMPPP_keyPt_UNorg_P_(new pcl::PointCloud);

                                keyPointDetector.setInputCloud(  cloudVector_UNorg_PN[iii] );
                                keyPointDetector.compute(       *TMPPP_keyPt_UNorg_P_ );
                                KEYptVector_UNorg_P_.append(     TMPPP_keyPt_UNorg_P_ );

                            std::cout << "//// Feature Estimation" << std::endl;
                                    pcl::search::KdTree::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree);
                                    pcl::SHOTColorEstimationOMP< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal,pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal,keyPointTYPE > featureDescriptor;
                                    featureDescriptor.setSearchSurface( cloudVector_UNorg_PN[iii] );
                                    featureDescriptor.setInputNormals(  cloudVector_UNorg_PN[iii] );
                                    featureDescriptor.setInputCloud(    KEYptVector_UNorg_P_[iii] );     // --->> Comupte Features ONLY @ Keypoints !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                    featureDescriptor.setSearchMethod(  tree );
                                    featureDescriptor.setRadiusSearch(  PARAM_FEAT_coeffRadiusSearch * model_resolution_Target ); 
                                    featureDescriptor.compute(         *TMPPP_featt_UNorg_P_ );
                                    FEATtVector_UNorg_P_.append(        TMPPP_featt_UNorg_P_ );

Dimitris Tzionas

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Mustafa Mohamad <> wrote:

I am trying to get the indices of the detected keypoints using the ISS keypoint detector.  The compute method of the ISS detector returns a cloud of the actual keypoint values.  However, I need the indices so that I can calculate local shape descriptors for those points in the original cloud.

There must be something very basic I am missing.


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