source: taken from PCL answers
It is very similar to what you would do for an image or a matrix, and it
is explained all over the tutorials.
Say you have a cloud pcl::Cloud m_cloud; that has been
then you can access your points through m_cloud[i] where i is the linera
index m_cloud.width * row + col or m_cloud (row, col).
So basically pcl::PointXYZ p = cloud[0] works and p = cloud (0,0) works
as well.
Please read the tutorials or the API documentation, we put many efforts
on them.
It is very similar to what you would do for an image or a matrix, and it
is explained all over the tutorials.
Say you have a cloud pcl::Cloud
then you can access your points through m_cloud[i] where i is the linera
index m_cloud.width * row + col or m_cloud (row, col).
So basically pcl::PointXYZ p = cloud[0] works and p = cloud (0,0) works
as well.
Please read the tutorials or the API documentation, we put many efforts
on them.